Monday 22 March 2010

No riding this weekend, something even more important!

This blog is unashamedly about motorcycling but this post has nothing whatsoever to do with bikes apart from the event which prevented me from riding this weekend, haha!

Our younger son Kerryn and his fiancée Becky returned to NZ a few weeks ago after 5 years working in the UK. It's been a wonderful week. On Thursday, he heard that he landed a senior job with a food company in Auckland and Becky is short-listed for 2 top property management jobs. However, the most wonderful bit was that they got married on Friday and Jennie and I couldn't be more proud of two fabulous kids who are absolutely devoted to each other. It was also the first time that Kerryn, his sister Victoria and brother Lyndon had all been together for 6 years and that was very moving. Also very moving is that a number of the Merton Rugby Football Club in London that Kerryn played socially for also came half way round the world for the wedding! This crusty old biker must be going completely soft as I filled as many handkerchiefs as Jennie!

The ceremony was at a natural geothermal hot spring on the Coromandel Peninsula where we live and Becky walked in to the song "Growing up Beside You" by Paolo Nutini. I'd never heard it before and it triggered more waterworks - just lovely. It's on YouTube if you've never heard it either.

With all the troubles in the world, it's the best feeling in the world to see two young people who are bright, funny and possessing strong personal values making such a great start.

Our 3 kids: Lyndon, Victoria and Kerryn.  Enormously proud of their achievements.  Lyndon is an Occupational Therapist, Victoria is a Psychologist and Kerryn is a Food Technologist.


  1. What a great way to spend the weekend. Congrats to the happy couple.

  2. Geoff:

    I love your beautiful roads and your Street Triple.

    congrats to the happy couple too

    bobskoot: wet coast scootin

  3. Many thanks guys, it was indeed a special weekend!

    Bobscoot, I's swap our roads for your wet ones at present! We haven't had any significant rain since just before Christmas and everything is turning various shades of brown!

  4. Great post Geoff! They look like a great couple. I know that feeling of becoming a "softy".

    Best regards!

  5. Hello Geoff! Thanks for dropping by my blog, and your's is excellent. Congratulations to all on the wedding! What you said touched me - that despite all of the problems in this world, it is great joy to see two people in love come together - so true. Enjoy the great riding in your neck of the woods! I'll be back regularly!

  6. Ha I recognise Lyndon from Otago! Maybe he went to Knox with me?
    Anyway, enjoying the blog so far (just started riding and getting the full next month so still a bit wet behind the ears but having a good time anyway) and its cool to see some of the roads yet to be travelled.

  7. Hello John!

    Yep, he was at Knox, and on graduation, completed an Occupational Therapy degree in Auckland. Currently living in Melbourne but considering Hobart or returning to NZ. You'll see some other photos of him in the blog.

    Great to see you're riding and thanks for the nice comment! Drop in anytime you're round Coromandel way.




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