Tuesday 8 June 2010

Response to the previous post

In response to the comments received about the last post in getting off a parking ticket, I thought I'd add a further example of how it's possible to get a good outcome without abuse, no matter how satisfying it is to let rip!

This event occurred a few years back when out of the blue, we received a letter from some solicitors regarding an unpaid veterinarian bill which had nothing at all to do with us. This is the letter: Click to enlarge


 As it was close to Christmas, a charitable response was called for:


 I was delighted with the response from the solicitors and surprised that upholders of the law actually had a sense of humour!


 Sonja and Bobscoot:  My services are way cheaper than a solicitor.  A small block of dark chocolate will be adequate recompense ;-)


  1. Geoff:

    if you're a nice boy, I may bring you a piece when I see you in Cowichan Bay. Summer's coming and I'm trying to eat them all up before they melt

    Wet Coast Scootin

  2. Loved your response. Good letter.

  3. Very interesting reads, Geoff... both posts! You are definitely a wordsmith - well done!

  4. Bob:
    Thanks for the sentiments. We're heading for Vietnam at the end of the year if we can fit it round new grandchildren. Maybe Canada 2011 or 2012!

    Canajun and Mike:
    Many thanks indeed. I'm humbled with that coming from such fantastic bloggers.

  5. Great response Geoff. Red faces aplenty me thinks.

  6. Cheers Pete. No huge loss of face to the other party and besides, at least there's a bit of fun in it rather than getting grumpy!

  7. Brilliant. I now know who to turn to when I need a well-worded letter to be written. How much did you say your fee's are? Fair play to them for such a good humoured response as well.

  8. Gary, via: Geoff:

    Gary, Geoff works for boxes of chocolates. I may need his help soon to get me out of my parking ticket predicament. I am just waiting for the Better Business Bureau to resolve my complaint with the parking company.

    Wet Coast Scootin

  9. Bob, Via Geoff - I wouldn't wait any longer for the BBB - go straight to the expert in getting matters resolved! If it only costs you a box of chocolates....


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