Friday 10 September 2010

A bit of exploring

 Another fantastic day ride, 470 km

The forecast for last Sunday was overcast and windy, but dry.  A great day for a ride with the lads to get in yet more practice on back roads for the big event due in 6 weeks' time.  On this occasion, the ride destination is into largely unknown territory - the Awhitu Peninsula, south-west of Auckland. The Peninsula is sparsely inhabited and has a network of narrow, twisty roads.  The only person to have been there before in relatively recent times is Andy, and it's rumoured (well, a bit more than rumoured, *snigger*) that he ran out of gas miles from anywhere on that occasion!

Setting off after an early breakfast, it's a solo run through country lanes south-west to Huntly to meet up with the lads who are riding up from the Waikato province, plus Andy; who is riding  down from Auckland.  Huntly is situated on a massive coalfield and has the only coal-fired power station in NZ.  It's the perfect rendezvous point on account of all the fantastic back roads in the area.

 Huntly Power Station

Kaitiaki - Maori wood carving, spirit guardian of the nearby Waikato river

Arrival is about 15 minutes ahead of schedule on account of non-existent traffic but being super-keen, Andy has already arrived.  Not long afterwards, the Waikato contingent show up, also ahead of schedule in eager anticipation of a great day out.  John P turns up on a Kawasaki ZX9 R which he bought from a mate for a very sharp price because of cosmetic damage and has made a beautiful job of restoring it.  John H has brought a mate, Dave, on the latest Hayabusa - fantastic paint job on it.  Looks like it's not going to be a slow ride then, just like old times but hope I can keep up!

Andy: "Sorry Richard, my cojones are nowhere near that big!"

Getting ready for the off....

I'm the only one who has previously travelled on the westbound Hetherington Road, so get to lead out.  It's fairly narrow but the twists and turns and altitude changes make for a wonderfully technical ride on a bike.  Andy thinks it's his new favourite road and is having a ball but John P is having a tough time wrestling the ZX 9.  The bike doesn't want to turn into some of the tighter corners and it's really hard work for him.  The rear tyre is a Michelin Pilot 2CT in good condition but the front is an older Pilot Power with an odd wear profile.  It's clear that the suspension and steering set-up will need to be checked, plus a likely replacement with a new matching front hoop.  Good job that John is a very experienced rider and knows bikes and cars backwards.  Interesting how faults manifest themselves at a slightly elevated pace and something to address before the Grand Challenge.

At the end of Hetherington Road, John H takes the lead for the blast up route 22 as he's familiar with it and I take up the Tail End Charlie role.  A nice, fast smooth lead by John.  It's wonderful watching the bikes in front taking identical lines through all the bends and even with ear plugs, listening to the wail of aftermarket pipes is magic!  Reaching Tuakau, John pulls into a rest area for a short break and to allow Andy to take over the lead for the run over to Waiuku, a small provincial town which is effectively the gateway to the Awhitu Peninsula.

A quick break at Tuakau

The trip over to Waiuku is in a semi-built up area but it's not a big distance and everyone settles into cruise mode.  Most people need to refuel so it's into a gas station and to maximise riding time, that staple Kiwi and Aussie biker food is consumed on the forecourt - the ubiquitous gas station meat pie. (Gastric repercussions at no extra cost).

Andy sets a cracking pace up the Peninsula - not much likelihood of the Highway Patrol out this way.  In some places, the road runs along the top of a ridge and the views are spectacular, not that there's much time for sight-seeing.  However, near the northern end, the roads get a bit confusing (not blaming Andy of course) with lots of poorly-marked side turnings and after a few aimless circles, the decision is taken to take one marked "Manukau Heads".  After a while, the sealed road gives way to a steep gravel track leading down to the lighthouse at the Heads.  It's only a couple of km long with plenty of visibility, so no dramas in riding down there.  It's a fairly steep walk up to the lighthouse itself but the views are supposed to be spectacular.  Crikey, it's a trudge up there all right and warm motorcycle clothing causes a fair bit of perspiring and lots of heavy breathing!

Unaccustomed exercise!

View of gravel track from lighthouse

The walk up the track is very much worthwhile with spectacular 360 degree views.  To the west, the Manukau Harbour Heads and Australia some 2200 km further on.  To the north east, Auckland City and the Skytower can just be seen on the skyline, around 30 km away as the crow flies.

Manukau Heads, next stop Australia!

Inner harbour and Auckland City

The lighthouse was built in 1874 and is in beautifully restored condition.  There's no guide hovering to tell you what you can and can't do, but lots of historical info and photos, a notice saying what the opening hours are, and a polite request to close the balcony door when you leave!  An unattended donation box sits by the door and is gladly contributed to for both the great restoration and lack of bureaucracy.

The lighthouse in all its glory, only spoiled by yours truly

A very windswept Dave, John H, Andy, Richard and John P

Back down to the bikes where Andy has to take his leave and head back to Auckland to take family and friends to a women's netball international between NZ and Australia.  Some ribald comments are made as to whether Andy's interest is purely sporting or whether 6 foot tall athletic, attractive girls in short skirts provide a more likely motive for cutting a ride short.

I lead back to Waiuku and only encounter a handful of cars, so the pace is brisk again.  Only one slight embarrassment - having to pull in for a moment when realising that my helmet strap wasn't secured - doh!  The bends have clearly caught out a young woman driving a lowered Japanese car as she's gone off the road onto soft grass and is in the process of getting it bogged in her attempts to return to the road.  Plenty of people standing there though, so we carry on to where I fill up ready for the haul back home.  The guys follow me back through Pukekohe and out onto the Southern Motorway for a few km until I turn off to Coromandel and we then head for our respective homes.  Must head back sometime to the Awhitu Peninsula for more leisurely exploring of the regional park and beaches - it's gorgeous up there and the roads are superb for bikes or cars that actually handle.

Left home at bang on 0800, got back a touch before 1600 and covered 480 most enjoyable twisty kilometres in great company.  Every rider will recognise the satisfaction which comes from a ride like that.  Thanks again for the great companionship guys and see you soon for a decent ride in the dark as final practice for the Grand Challenge!


  1. Well done Geoff with another fantastic tale of a day on two wheels!!

    And once again your photos show what a simply amazing part of the world you live in.

    Love the look of the Beemer K1300r....(its a monster of a thing)

    I was talking to someone recently about the Grand Challenge and mentioned how your "training" demands extended periods out of the house on a motorcycle carving up the black stuff in one of the most scenic parts of the world......

    Enjoy your day and your weekend mate!


  2. A nice and wild spot. This Western corner of the island is also on my list of things to visit next time.

  3. Anthony:
    Thanks for the kind words! Yep, that Beemer is a beast all right. I'd happily own one. As an aside, Andy, the owner, is one of the top HSBC execs in NZ but you'd never know it. Apart from being a super nice guy and excellent rider, he's a complete hooligan!

    Yep, this extended training is really tough, haha! It's a good job that Jennie regards it as an opportunity to get me out of her hair so she can get some peace and quiet, go lunching with her mates etc!

    You have a fantastic weekend too. Go the All Blacks and good luck to the Wallabies as well!

  4. Sonja:
    There are some great spots in the Auckland area. I have yet to visit the beaches on the western North Shore. The Wenderholm Scenic reserve about an hour north of Auckland is also great. So is northern Coromandel as I hope you'll find out shortly!

  5. Good to have an excuse to ride alright. Taking a peek at your map I think your ride included a bit of last year's GC - some of the only bits when it wasn't bucketing down!

    Of course with all the rain we're having at the moment there can't possibly be any left to fall on us in October.

    Starting to get really keen...

  6. Geoff, I'm green with envy, it's still bucketing down here (2,200Ks to your west) and I have the time free to be out riding. Grr!

    My riding buddy has a 2002 ZX9 and it is quite competent in the twisties. He runs a standard Pilot Power on the front and a Pilot Road 2 on the rear and swears by that combination.

    How did the Hayabusa acquit itself through the twisty bits?

    Cheers Jules.

  7. Andrew:
    Hopefully, we won't have to go up SH22 in the dark - there was pea gravel in places. Did it on the '97 GC when it was in poor condition and it was absolutely draining. You're right about the rain mate!

    We're due to get your second-hand weather tomorrow evening if it makes you feel any better!!!

    I suspect that the damping on the rear of the ZX9 has gone off. A look at static and loaded sag is probably on the cards this weekend, together with rear ride height.

    The 'busa seemed to go very well. Dave, the owner, is a very experienced rider which made a huge difference of course. However, he said he was very cautious at low speed and wheeling it about because of its weight and him not being hugely tall. I suffered the same thing with the Blackbird, especially with the extra ride height I had; so know how he feels. One of the major reasons why I now have the Triple.

  8. Geoff:

    Your Striple is the most suited for those roads, more nimble and less struggling to lean into the corners, that's why they pushed you to the rear so that they wouldn't be embarrassed.

    I loved that road down into the lighthouse. I thought the reason we all rode was so that we wouldn't have to actually walk anymore.

    I'd have a tough decision trying to decide too. Long legs and short skirts, or a leisurely ride somewhere with guys. Now, if we made it a choice between girls or food that would be another matter.

    Wet Coast Scootin

  9. Bob:
    I only wish that were true! It's standard operating procedure on a fast or long ride that the previous leader goes to the back to relax for a while! We'll be doing that all time on the Grand Challenge.

    Bikers are used to making tough decisions but in the choice between riding with mates and looking at long legs, Andy needed the wisdom of Solomon!!!

  10. Geoff:

    either that or he was previously issued strict instructions from his CEO

    Wet Coast Scootin

  11. Another great write up Geoff. Amazing that sine I have been riding, and I have done lots of Kms I have yet to head out to that part of the country. SH22 I have done many times, but just never headed anywhere past Waiku.
    I have put it on the Bucket list!

  12. Thanks Rodger!
    I guess most of us leave exploring our own immediate doorstep until last! I still have to explore the Hunuas between Kaiaua and Clevedon and must do that soon.

    BTW, your blog wouldn't let me subscribe in the normal way so I've done it by RSS feed.

  13. Geoff:

    I can only do my doorstep so many times before it gets boring. nearly time to set up on your doorstep.

    Wet Coast Scootin

  14. Excellent blog as usual Geoff. Keep up the good work and I hope all goes well on the challenge!

  15. Cheers SB! I hope so too thanks - a bit more training to go yet!


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