Thursday 23 September 2010

Supplemental post - not about bikes but still way cool!

Our proud son Lyndon with new twins

Delighted to announce that Alexander Geoffrey James (~6lbs) and Benjamin Luke James (~5lbs) arrived in Melbourne, Australia last night NZ time.  Typical James trait of arriving early for an event - about 2 weeks in this particular instance!  Mother and grandkids all well.  Jennie will be flying over in a couple of weeks or so to play Grandma and generally help out until everyone finds their feet in coming to terms with twins and a lively 2 year old sister.

Can't wait to give them politically incorrect toys and do stuff with them which their parents would approve even less of.  Hmmm...  sweets with plenty of food colouring would be a good start ;-). It's just soooo good getting your own back on your kids, hehe!

Might just have a celebratory drink or two this evening.....


  1. Awesome news Geoff.

    Hope all is well with the twins, their mum and the rest of the family!

    Well done.

  2. Thanks Anthony, it's a great way to start the day!

  3. Way cool indeed! Congrats to the happy family.

  4. Cheers Canajun - just a pity that I'll have to wait a few years until they're ready for their first mini-bikes ;-).

  5. Excellent .... a V-Twins added to the fold.

  6. Terrific News! I loved the politically incorrect words! Congrats to all and I am going to go to the bar and have a beer to celebrtae right now, or maybe two as they are twins!

  7. Hahahahaha - that's brilliant Roger - well done!!!

    Thanks Gary, it's great being the Parents from Hell, gives the kids something to grizzle about. I'd love to join you for a few beers right now but it's just after lunchtime in NZ and I have chores. A gibbering Geoffrey would not be well-received in certain quarters!

    Safe travelling....

  8. Congratulations and all the best for the newest members of the family. Now you can do your best to spoil the kids. That's what Oma and Opa (Grandma and Grandpa) are good for.

  9. Cheers Sonja!

    We can spoil them rotten and send them back to their parents when we've had enough for a while - what could be better!

  10. Geoff:

    congratulations on your new additions. It's better this way, you can give them back if they get too noisy

    and I've never seen a Gibbering Geoffrey. I'll celebrate later by having a glass of fruit juice

    Wet Coast Scootin

  11. Congratulations Geoff! Enjoy them safe in the knowlege that when you've had enough you can give them back.
    On the politically incorrect front ,it is so much fun getting your own back.

  12. Congrats Geoff. I foresee a trip to Australia in your near future.

    Cheers Jules.


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