Wednesday 16 February 2011

Like father, like son!

Just had to share this gem.

Valentine's Day has recently passed and this morning on Facebook, our daughter-in-law posted a photo of her present from our younger son.  He's a food scientist with a wicked sense of humour and they've been married for 11 months.  It's a good job that Becky has an equally robust sense of humour or he'd never walk upright again.

What's the phrase?  "Say it with flowers, flours"?

  Saying it with flours

With that sense of humour, the marriage will last forever!


  1. I couldn't figure out the pic until your last sentence. If I had done that when I was married I would have come home and found the locks changed. Thank God my new girlfriend understands my ‘unique’ sense of humor.

  2. Love it!

    Love and marriage is nothing without a sense of humor.

    I wish many more years of laughter and love to your son and his wife.

  3. Scribe:
    Haha, my wife would have laughed and then got even!

    Thanks. The two of them are perfectly matched in the humour stakes. They met at university and were an item for 10 years until he proposed so they didn't exactly rush into it!!!

  4. That's a gift I would appreciate, too. Very thoughtful, makes lots of bread and cake. Love the humor!

  5. Hahahaha..your son snd his wife sure found each other...Must be a lovely couple...I wish them a long life of happiness, health, wealth and laugther.
    Somebody is got a good sense of humor here.

  6. True story...My mate gave his missus a box of panadol for Valentines day, "I dont have a headache" she said......"excellent" he replied..., I will let you work out what happened next.

  7. +1 I love it! Unique and fun. That is exactly what relationships are about.


  8. Sonja & Berge:
    Cheers! When our son lived at home, he never let up with practical jokes and getting a laugh at his mother's expense, mine or his siblings. It's a wonder that he lived through his teen years!

    Whatever could you mean? ;-)

    The relationship with our daughter in law is pretty special too. She's never been afraid to pull our legs any time she can - a real privilege to have her in the family.

  9. They can take practically everything from you in this life, but you will survive if you keep your sense of humor.


  10. Amen to that Allen - I'm all for not taking life too seriously or we'd go crazy soon enough. "Poking the Devil with a sharp stick and running away" is also an approach that I favour!!

  11. I love good sense of humor, and I like this, but I wouldn't dare to that, I could get hurt... ;)


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