Monday 30 May 2011

I want one of these!

In the not too distant future, maybe motorcycles won't be the ultimate thrill machine any more - maybe a bit old for one of these but I can dream, sigh.....
The Martin Jetpack

It's a New Zealand invention, developed over the last couple of years or so and has just had its first high altitude test - really impressive and is already attracting strong overseas interest.  Just the thing to avoid those rush hour blues!

There's a link to the video here - hope it's available to overseas blog readers: Martin Jetpack .  Another link here: TVNZ News


  1. Hi Geoff,

    Why not combine the two....A motorcycle with jetpack vertical-lift capabilities would be awesome! Forget lane-splitting - just fly over the top of everyone then resume your spot at the front.


  2. Great idea Anthony - the 2 lift units instead of panniers. You should be in marketing, not accounting ;-)

  3. Geoff why not hang on till Triumph bring out a triple!

  4. Dylan - what a great idea! Might never happen though ;-)

  5. If 2 wheels are dangerous, what are none?

  6. Andrew - well at least you won't slide off on gravel and you'd be really unlucky to have a "Sorry mate, didn't see you" episode!!

  7. For the cost of one of these Geoff you could have 20 bikes in the garage...tough call ah?

  8. But if you did it would most likely have four engines with Rolls Royce written on their sides!

  9. Not a tough call at all Roger - my Chief Financial Officer wouldn't let me have any of 'em, sigh....

    Never mind, off for a decent ride tomorrow, being retired an'all that :-)

  10. Dunno Dylan - don't RR's explode these days? Isn't that what Qantas use? Maybe they don't look after them!

  11. Geoff:

    be like Icarus, but use super glue instead of wax. I don't think super glue melts in the sun

    Just find a tall cliff, and I'll be happy to give you a BIG push

    You can thank me later

    Riding the Wet Coast

  12. Bob: you're uncannily accurate! If you look back a long way in my blog, you'll see that my drag bike was called Icarus. This was because my dad said I was playing with fire and I'd get burned. Apparently, nothing has changed!

  13. It will never be a motorcycle replacement as long as there are no flames or skulls painted on it.

  14. Canajun: Would you like to re-phrase that?

    "It will never be an H-D as long as there are no flames or skulls painted on it." ;-)

  15. Sure does Ken. There's huge interest from the military in various countries which seems rather a shame to use it in that way. If we ever win Lotto.....

  16. Exactly what I am looking for as a commuter vehicle. Sigh... I still daydream of ultralights with vertical lift. :)

    Thanks for igniting the passions again. :) LOL


  17. Lori,
    Well, commercial production is only a year or so away. Just keep it in mind if you win the national lottery! Or maybe you could volunteer for an extended field test :-)

  18. Was shown this the other day: BMW powered Hovercraft. This might be a better choice. :)

  19. Lori - thanks so much for that, simply brilliant! Looks similar to those things the Imperial Stormtroopers rode in Star Wars!

    Here's another Kiwi invention I'd happily own:


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