Thursday 1 September 2011

Electric bikes (pushbikes, that is!)

With fellow blogger Bobscoot recently posting about his first foray onto electric bicycles HERE, I thought I'd throw a cool Kiwi electric bike into the mix.  Forget bikes that look like conventional pushbikes, this is THE bike if you want to make a statement!

It's called the Yikebike and the images below are from their website.

 Cool, or what?

Cornering?  No problem!

And folds up for the commute!

Their website is HERE and prices start at US$2000 for an alloy and composite version or US$3800 for a carbon fibre jobbie.  Mr Bobscoot - you're a great collector of expensive farkles like Corvettes and cameras ;-) - getting one of these will really confirm your status.  Buy one for your wife too - no need to thank me :-).

There's a great demo on YouTube HERE


  1. Geoff:

    I can thank you later when you pack one into your suitcase and you arrive here in Vancouver and deliver it to me. I just love how small it is. It also has an ingenius design, very cleaver. Wished it had more range

    Riding the Wet Coast

    ps: I think you shout "Yikes" when you find out the price

  2. Bob:

    Haha - you wish! It's just a handy inner city commuter I suppose or popping down to your local 7/11 if you have a back pack for groceries. Might be ok for visiting the local pub. Drunk in charge of a bike doesn't carry demerit points or disqualification as far as I know :-)

  3. P.S Bob....
    Some exotic racing cycles or mountain bikes cost the earth now, so I don't think it's too bad in the scheme of things.

  4. Honestly Geoff......shouldnt you be out fishing or something!!!

  5. Just looking after Bob's health Rog - it's the least we can do :-). Besides, I was taking a break from building a big toy box for the grandkids!

  6. That is a pretty awesome design.

    Here in Oregon you can get a BUII - biking under the influence of intoxicants. Carries the same penalties as a DUII. Doesn't seem right but that is the way it is. We have clients that ride their bike drunk thinking they are behaving because they aren't driving, then they get pulled over, DOH.

  7. Geoff:

    as Rog says . . . time to dig out those Lucky Red Shorts

    Riding the Wet Coast

  8. Trobairtz:
    Hmmm... I honestly don't know what the law is here, must find out. I know some of the remote area farmers in NZ ride their horses to the pub to have a skinful but not sure whether there's a penalty if caught. Maybe they keep off the roads!

  9. Bob:
    Perhaps as early as this weekend. Forecast is good and we haven't taken the boat out for weeks. It's also Father's Day as Rog said, so there might be unknown plans.......

  10. Geoff I know we talked about downsizing from a Blackbird but hold on a mo....You definately have to have a machine capable of achieving and maintaining the National speed limit to take your IAM Advanced test............

  11. Cool looking little bike. Not sure I'd like riding it. Way more than I'd be willing to spend. The stuff we come up with these days! :)

  12. That looks pretty cool, are they quite easy to ride?

  13. Dylan:
    Hehehe! I doubt it would have the grunt to get up our steep drive so I'd have to carry it!

    Some of the cycle enthusiasts these days are willing to spend a fortune. My old boss has a NZ$6000 pushbike!

    Yeah, it's a cool design all right. From what I've read and seen, you get used to them really fast.

  14. Yep. Saw this one last year. Great design, and looks like they have blinged it out a little since I last looked. Just seems like lots of fun, in an area where it is economical.

  15. Lori:
    I haven't seen one in the flesh yet. Suppose that it's not really needed in the countryside and I don't go to the city a lot! I just have a 15 year old Diamondback brand mountain bike!


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