Sunday 10 June 2012

Another bike enthusiast in the family

World Superbike Championships, today as it happened:

Settled down to enjoy the event in peace but someone else in the shape of Annie had other ideas:

I think we'll keep her interest a secret in this household or she'll be getting short rations from another family member :-)


  1. Awesome pics Geoff. I knew cats were smart, and she has impeccable taste in motorsports!

    1. Anthony - ït's fun subverting the "furkids" in the temporary absence of of a stabilising influence :-)

  2. Hehehe .. we'll have to be sure not to let the cat outta the bag eh :)

    1. Brenda,
      Groan...... hehe. It's a good job a certain person doesn't read the blog!

  3. Conditioning 'the kids' into motorcycling. Good explanation for the future: I had to go riding, sweetheart, Annie wanted me to...
    Boy, you are so in trouble when Jennie gets home.

    1. Sonja!
      If I can teach Annie to wash the bike as well, that would be REALLY cool!

      All good things come to an end - this Saturday actually when I drive to Auckland to pick up Jennie and her mate. Must do some dusting and vacuuming this week :-)

  4. I think that paw is trying to take him out and not just cover him up. ;). Smart kitty.

  5. Lori,
    I think you're right! Melandri retired with a wrecked tyre shortly afterwards. Dem claws are sharp!

  6. Ha, good show Geoff. Awesome that Annie was right up there and into the action.

    The questions is, keep it secret or show Jennie Annie's new trick?

    1. Hi Brandy!
      I rather think that Annie might take it on herself to demonstrate how clever she is and then I'll cop the blame. Of course, I could make her a slip-on jacket with a Hell's Angels patch to stir things up!

  7. Leo, my cat, seems to like anything I'm paying attention to. This would be a good thing, if I didn't have the distinct impression he knew he was in the way and delighting in it utterly. Oh well.

    Great photos and I love how you framed them with narrative. Good stuff!

    1. Hi Keith!
      Haha - good for Leo! Annie's the same, especially when I'm digging holes in the garden. Thomas, my wife's cat, is the alpha male of the local cat community so he just sits imperiously watching his domain. It's beneath his dignity to be seen joining in!

  8. Replies
    1. Mrs M;
      Hehehe - I'm way past any hope of growing up :-)


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