Thursday 25 April 2013

Not dead, just busy :-)

A few weeks ago, I was surprised and rather touched to get an email from fellow moto-blogger Jules asking if I was ok as I hadn't posted for a while.  Since then, there have been 3 similar emails so thought I'd better set the record straight!
  •  Being an old fart doesn't mean that I've croaked it, in the process of croaking it or losing any more marbles than I've already lost but thank you for your concern, haha.  In perfectly good health apart from some minor bug I've currently picked up from one of the grandkids which is an occupational hazard for us grandparents! Still loving life though.
  • Being retired also doesn't mean sitting around waiting for a harp and fluffy cloud or most likely the warmer alternative in my case.  Just as busy as when I was working, the difference being that you largely get to choose what you want to do and when to do it. Tomorrow, I'm 180km away from home taking an IAM Associate for an observed ride.  An almost identical situation the day after in another location.  The day after that, it's another 500 km day with the IAM end of month group ride in Auckland.  Then there's the admin side of IAM.....  loving it all though!
  • Also important to keep the family happy so need to spend quality time with Jennie... in the boat going fishing and all the other stuff we do together, plus visits to our kids as unpaid carpenter, entertainer of grandchildren etc.
  • As a consequence, blogging is right at the bottom of the pile.  No current plans for any more but can't say that won't change.  However, will still enjoy reading the other great blogs when the opportunity arises!
Have recently purchased a silver iridium visor with Pinlock insert for my Shoei helmet to replace the stone-chipped blue one.  I've become quite a fan of iridium-coated visors as much of their effectiveness is through reflecting bright light as opposed to blocking it.  This means that that they still let a reasonable amount of ambient light through which is handy if you get caught out in low light conditions. Not so good in those conditions with traditional tinted visors!  Oh and they're also good for disguising Old Farts behaving badly! ("Look at that young idiot overtaking all those cars, Ethel").

The previous iridium visor was a non-OEM one bought from eBay at a hugely lower price than a Shoei original.  It fitted perfectly and performed well until it became the target for a rock flicked up on the recent Old Firm Tour so its replacement is a non-OEM one again which saved about NZ$80 compared with an original.  A good example of price-gouging by Shoei?

Mirror, mirror on the wall.......

Going along with the "Confessions" title of the blog, I have a confession......  got done for speeding!

Before the "irresponsible old biker" taunts start, let me explain.....

Must have been Karma considering all the times I ummm...slightly exceed the national open road limit on the bike to actually get pulled over in our boat!!  Jennie and I were coming back into Coromandel Harbour from a fishing trip.  The Harbourmaster was lurking just inside the harbour mouth pinging everyone who was exceeding the 5 knot speed limit, which was every boat that came through.  No excuses though as I was probably doing 10 knots or so.  The fine was a bit steep at $200 and it was certainly a lesson learned.  At least it doesn't carry demerit points on your licence though like a land-based speeding fine!  I should add that there was no bollocking from the person in the passenger seat which was a real bonus.

Hey ho!!


  1. Geoff:

    I was also wondering what happened to you. Glad you are healthy and well.

    Riding the Wet Coast

  2. Cheers Bob,
    All is just fine and dandy!

  3. Personly if you had croaked it i would have been up to coro in a flash...and then while Jenni was sleeping ripped off the new PR3 and the new knives.....actuallly, waht size boots you ware?

    1. Hahahaha...... you'd have had to negotiate the deadly attack cats first :-). Sorry about the boots, yours are undoubtedly too big to fill. Anyway, if I'd croaked it, you'd have Ghostrider James auditing your riding for eternity ;-)

    2. Haha too funny, you guys. I thought rog was going to say he'd be straight up to Coro to sleep with Jennie??

      I thoo was wondering what you were up to. Sometimes I often wonder if a blogger suddenly stops blogging for months if something bad has happened to them when out riding.

      You'll have to kick it up a notch now geoff to keep Rog at bay on that beemer.

  4. Wouldn't put it past him Steve, you should hear the face to face banter! Yep, really looking forward to seeing the big B on Sunday when we meet up. Looking forward to hearing that race can too!

  5. I wasn't worried as I knw how busy being retired can be. Actually there in no such thing as being retired - you just get busy doing different things. I am as busy now as I ever was when working. I therefore know what you are going through!

    1. Spot on Gary and I bet that you get increasingly selective about how you spend that time - I do!

  6. Sadly I too belong to the group of addicts suffering from Geoff deprivation ( I'm sure Jennie will be bamboozled...) and to celebrate your return, I openly volunteer to come take ownership of your bike should you croak / empty you marble bag a mark of respect I'll call it Jeff.


  7. Aww Loui, Jennie thinks all bikers need to get a life and would sell the bike to the scrap merchant if I cark it :-)

  8. Nice job getting pinged in the boat and not on the bike. That buys you a free pass to speed on the bike yeah?

    Glad to hear all is well with your corner of the world and you are staying busy. I like the new visor. I have been debating the same thing for my Shoei. I had one for the Scorpion and I know I'll miss it in the bright sunshine this summer.

    Cheers and love to Jennie!

    1. Hi Brandy!

      Hahaha - I wish.... It's true that Jennie didn't rip into me in her best schoolmarm style but the stony silence said it all :-)

      Thanks re the visor. Tried it out in the rain today and it was superb - quiet and no misting. Great in the sunny spells too

      xx - best to Brad

  9. You should definitely put up a blog beacon every month or so, so the community doesn't start worrying. Glad you enjoy yourself and are very much alive and kicking (or getting kicked?).

    1. Hahaha If I do anything dumb, I'm sure that ace stirrer Rogey will be the first to let the blogosphere know!

      Getting kicked is part of being a male, you know that ;-)


    2. Hey Geoff imagine that, Roger writing your eulogy on blogger!

    3. No there is an idea.....

    4. Your worst idea yet Steve. Pity you don't need a visa to get into NZ ;-)

  10. /wave Geoff

    I've missed you but it's good to see your doing exciting things like getting tickets!

    I like the visor I might look for something like that when mine carks it. I'm a bit wary of buying it off eBay tho.

    1. Aww thanks Brenda. If we wait another year before posting, imagine the amount of law breaches I could report on!

      So far, all my eBay experiences have been good. Even the paddock stand bobbins I bought through China were beautifully machined from quality materials!

  11. Just a mo... what if you wrote an eulogy for Roger and he wrote one for you and we all got together over a few drinks and had a bloody good wake? That way you get to enjoy it as well - after the event it's too late to hear just how much everyone cared about you and respected you!

  12. Sound idea Mark but one tiny flaw - no-one would actually say anything nice about each other :-)

  13. Hi Geoff!! (wish i had a waving hand icon) Miss you, but know you are busy. At least you are enjoying your busy. :)

  14. Hi Lori and thanks. Currently 0545 (yuk) and getting ready to ride to Auckland!

  15. Geoff, glad to hear that life is busy - much better than the alternative! A friend recently described herself as having 'graduated' from work, rather than retired - provides a different connotation to the whole thing.

  16. Gidday Jules! That's for shore - got a heck of a long bucket list! I like your friend's comment, absolutely excellent! It is indeed a progression and one which generally allows you to call the shots. Best of luck with your plans!


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